Wednesday, May 2, 2012

4th post

These students are not on task with My Career assignments.  They are dangerous of failing the course if  assignments are not submitted on the due date. They only completed:

Ms. Parker please keep your eyes on these students

Diona : 1-4
Chris Hernandez: 1-6
Jilberto: 1-4
Brian: 1-3

Notes: To All-- Reflection must be in your own words 15-20 sentences.  Do not copy and paste from the given content.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

3rd Post

Post your comments and the name of the person that I assigned you to judge on his/her page and post your comment here as well as on that person's page. Please point out what his/her
is/are missing:

4 posts • 2 externalLinks• 2 images •
Background Design • 2 Comments• Color Contrast—Fontstyle/ Font Color• Each
post 10-15 sentences • Eastern Time Zone•Non-materialsmust deleted
2nd Post

Good and Bad Design

Please post 2 names that you comments on a good & bad design here by clicking on comments and publish (when you are done).

Friday, January 6, 2012

1st Post

How to create a Blog?

Please read and follow direction on the google site below to complete assignments.

Post your Blog's AddressHere and have the word "DONE" by clicking on comment box, and click on publish.